The animation draws inspiration from Chen Dong's Zhetian trilogy in Qidian, featuring nine huge dragon corpses pulling a bronze ancient coffin in a cold and dark universe where eternal existence reigns supreme. This striking image was captured by space probes in a dying galaxy, hinting at whether it harks back to ancient times or has journeyed far beyond the stars. A world of immortal warriors, light, and mystery awaits, with its heat radiating like a volcano, passion akin to an unruly sea, and desire as boundless as an abyss... Ascending the path to heaven, singing your heart's song, and snapping your fingers can cover all worlds.
Shrouding the Heavens
The story begins by introducing nine dragons and a coffin, setting the stage for a vast universe spanning ancient times. As the characters ascend on the sky road, they sing their way through the celestial realm, eventually encountering Ye Fan in his celestial role.