In the world replete with malevolent spirits, a place known as Requiem Street attracts them. Here, humans and ghosts coexist harmoniously; however, not all inhabitants are permitted entry. Only individuals endowed with rare soul essence and possessing guardians can venture into this mystical realm. Xia Ling, initially an ordinary university intern, found herself thrust into extraordinary circumstances when a chance encounter altered her life trajectory. In Requiem Street, the balance between good and evil is fragile. The protagonist must navigate through treacherous conditions alongside their guardian spirit to ensure survival amidst a perilous environment filled with malevolent forces.
Rakshasa Street
Requiem Street is a mysterious location where evil spirits seek refuge to destroy the world. It's a realm where both spirits and humans live together. Unfortunately, not everyone in human society has the chance to explore this unique area due to strict restrictions. Only individuals blessed ...