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Planet Earth

A documentary series explores the diverse wildlife on our planet, delving into unique ecosystems including deserts, mountains, oceans, forests, caves, and more, with renowned narrator David Attenborough.

The show provides a 50-minute tour of a unique biome or habitat, accompanied by a 10-minute behind-the-scenes featurette that showcases the challenges of filming.


Episode 1 From Pole to Pole

1. From Pole to Pole

Aired: Mar 5, 2006

"Planet Earth" travels around the Earth, finding where the sun always shines ...

Episode 2 Mountains

2. Mountains

Aired: Mar 12, 2006

Mountains are the most prominent products of the immense forces which shape t...

Episode 3 Fresh Water

3. Fresh Water

Aired: Mar 19, 2006

Although merely 3% of water on earth, fresh water plays an important part in ...

Episode 4 Caves

4. Caves

Aired: Mar 26, 2006

The Earth's large, deep calcareous caves are virtually inaccessible and there...

Episode 5 Deserts

5. Deserts

Aired: Apr 2, 2006

A large and growing part of earth's land mass is covered in desert - each one...

Episode 6 Ice Worlds

6. Ice Worlds

Aired: Nov 5, 2006

The polar caps have the most extreme seasonal contrasts, growing and melting ...

Episode 7 Great Plains

7. Great Plains

Aired: Nov 12, 2006

A quarter of the earth's land mass, from arctic to tropical, are open plains ...

Episode 8 Jungles

8. Jungles

Aired: Nov 19, 2006

On 3% of the Earth's surface, the rain forest is the habitat for half our ani...

Episode 9 Shallow Seas

9. Shallow Seas

Aired: Nov 26, 2006

Shallow seas cover only 8% of earth's surface, but contain the richest, most ...

Episode 10 Seasonal Forests

10. Seasonal Forests

Aired: Dec 3, 2006

Trees are earth's largest organisms and are also one of the planet's oldest i...

Episode 11 Ocean Deep

11. Ocean Deep

Aired: Dec 10, 2006

Open ocean, a vast biotope covering two thirds of the planet, some shallow, s...

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Planet Earth Videos

THE MAKING OF PLANET EARTH - Exclusive Sneak Peek at World Premiere Special

THE MAKING OF PLANET EARTH - Exclusive Sneak Peek at World Premiere Special

Planet Earth Trailer - 2006

Planet Earth Trailer - 2006

Info about Planet Earth

Current Status: Ended

Network: BBC One

Production Countries: Japan, United Kingdom, United States

Genres:Family, Documentary