Dinosaur Planet background

Dinosaur Planet

A four-part animated series follows the journeys of four dinosaurs from different continents in the ancient world: a lone female Velociraptor in Asia, a young male Daspletosaurus in North America, a South American female, and another from Africa.

The animated series follows the journeys of four dinosaurs, each living on a different continent in the ancient world. A lone female Velociraptor roams Asia, while a young male Daspletosaurus explores North America. In South America, a female Saltasaur navigates her surroundings, and a young adult Pyroraptor roams Europe. Narrated by Christian Slater and hosted by paleontologist Scott Sampson.


Episode 1 White Tip's Journey

1. White Tip's Journey

Aired: Dec 13, 2003

A lone velociraptor, White Tip, faces the ultimate survival test after losing...

Episode 2 Pod's Travels

2. Pod's Travels

Aired: Dec 13, 2003

A pyroraptor named Pod is left alone after a tidal wave kills his sisters and...

Episode 3 Little Das' Hunt

3. Little Das' Hunt

Aired: Dec 15, 2003

A young Daspletosaurus named Das must herd prey towards his pack, but his dis...

Episode 4 Alpha's Egg

4. Alpha's Egg

Aired: Dec 15, 2003

In the next episode, Alpha, a fearless saltasaur, embarks on a perilous journ...

Info about Dinosaur Planet

Current Status: Ended

Network: Discovery

Genres:Family, Animation, Documentary