Makino Tsukushi, a student from a humble background, feels out of place at Eitoku Gakuen, a prestigious school attended by the children of wealthy and influential families. She strives to remain inconspicuous and avoid drawing attention to herself, especially from the F4, a group of four powerful boys who rule the school through intimidation and bullying. However, when her friend provokes the F4's leader, Domyoji Tsukasa, Makino defends her and confronts him, becoming the new target of Tsukasa's anger and unexpectedly, his interest. This marks the end of her peaceful days and turns her life into a chaotic mess, as she develops feelings for Hanazawa Rui, another F4 member and Tsukasa's close friend.
1. Declaration of War! The Thing Which Is Absolutely More Important Than Money
Aired: Oct 21, 2005Tsukushi Makino, a poor student, attends the elite Eitoku Academy. The F4 hav...