Baroque: A Three-Part Documentary Series Explore the stunning artistry and architecture of the Baroque period with this three-part BBC Four documentary series. Directed by Waldemar Januszczak, the program delves into key locations around the world, showcasing iconic examples from Italy to Europe and beyond. In March 2009, this spectacular exploration began in front of St Peter's Basilica and concluded at St Paul's Cathedral. The series follows the progression of the "Baroque wildfire" across different regions, taking viewers on a tour of exceptional Baroque masterpieces. It narrates the stories behind these works and traces their significance within the broader context of the Baroque tradition. In this visually stunning three-part series, Januszczak delves into key locations around the world, showcasing iconic examples from Italy to Europe and beyond. From St Peter's Basilica in Rome to St Paul's Cathedral in London, viewers are taken on a journey through the best Baroque artistry and architecture across different regions. Starts with St Peter's Square and continues throughout Europe, Januszczak guides audiences through exceptional Baroque masterpieces that define this remarkable period of artistic expression.
The next episode takes Waldemar Januszczak on a journey to explore the Baroqu...