Wild Harvest background

Wild Harvest

In this classic film, a rugged itinerant combine crew leader, Joe, finds himself at odds with a rival crew boss, Alperson. When his friend Jim joins the crew with a financial investment, Joe's priorities shift. Meanwhile, Joe's romantic feelings for the farmer's niece, Fay, are com...

Joe is the head of an itinerant combine crew, working the harvests against rival crew boss Alperson. Joe's buddy Jim joins the crew with startup money. Farmer's niece Fay falls for Joe. He puts her off. To get back she marries Jim whom she prods into high-grading the grain (skimming off some for private sale). The last payment on Joe's machinery is due just as he discover's what his buddy has been doing.

Info about Wild Harvest

Studio(s): Paramount Pictures

Originally Released: United States, Sep 26, 1947

Production Country: United States
