In the suspenseful thriller, an advertising executive's late nights and dinners with his ex-wife raise suspicions among his wife, who hires a former cop turned private investigator to dig up the truth. But the investigator has a dark past and a sinister motive, intent on eliminating the husband and making the wife his own. As the investigation unfolds, dirty tricks and even murder are used to fabricate evidence and break up the couple, but ultimately, the husband and wife reconcile for the sake of their young son. However, the investigator's plans take a deadly turn, and he must use all his wits to escape and make one final move.
'Til Lies Do Us Part
Trey Mitchell, an advertising executive, frequently stays late at work and has dinner with his ex, sparking his wife Leeza's growing suspicions. In an attempt to uncover the truth, Leeza hires a private investigator, Ethan Woods, a former cop with a troubled past, who has a sinister plan to ...