In the City of Valencia, a successful crime novelist named Q is a cold-blooded psychopath who uses his writing as a way to process his dark impulses. After the success of his latest book, Q becomes obsessed with writing a new story featuring a more important victim. He chooses Ferrán Carretero, a respected teacher and former politician, and kidnaps him. As Carretero's family and colleagues search for him, Q writes down everything Carretero says during his captivity, eventually killing him. The discovery of Carretero's murder sets off a chain reaction, as his associates and acquaintances, including a powerful gypsy drug lord and a corrupt politician, begin to investigate. Meanwhile, Q finds himself caught between two ruthless forces, as a skilled tracker is hired to find Carretero and Q's own investigations lead him closer to the truth.
The Silence of the Marsh
A bestselling author of crime novels uncovers a dark truth: the world he thought he was writing about is actually a reflection of his own twisted reality.