In this animated comedy, the Confederate Army uses an unlikely messenger, Tweety Bird, to deliver a crucial message to Gen. Lee, as their carrier pigeons have been shot down. However, the Union Army retaliates with their own messenger, Sylvester the cat, known as the "Messenger Destroyer." The two engage in a series of hilarious battles, with Sylvester getting repeatedly blown out of a cannon and Tweety outsmarting him. In the end, Sylvester captures Tweety by disguising himself as the South's army general, but ultimately ends up getting hit on the firing range, needing his nine lives to survive.
The Rebel Without Claws
During the American Civil War, a determined Tweety bird embarks on a perilous mission to deliver a crucial message to General Lee, but his path is fraught with danger as Sylvester, a cunning foe, is sent to intercept him.