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The Promiscuous Sex

In this film, a New York City prostitute and model, Liz, attempts to escape her troubled profession by embarking on a romantic affair with a kind-hearted man named Michael. However, her employer, Sam, and his powerful mafia connections thwart her efforts, forcing Liz to confront the harsh realiti...

Liz is a young New York City model/prostitute who meets a good natured young man, named Michael, with whom she has a one-night stand. When Liz tries to help out her boss, Sam, with his business, it leads them to a vicious gangster whom wants Liz for himself, and she tries in a desperate move to get out of the business to try to make a life with Michael even though she knows it may never work out.

Info about The Promiscuous Sex

Originally Released: United States, Jun 22, 1967

Budget: $9,500.00
