The Presence of Snowgood is a movie that builds upon the 2021 short film "A curious tale", a classic ghost story set in the Sussex countryside. The story revolves around a legendary Saxon crown, sought by those who shouldn't have found it, and the deadly consequences that follow. The film begins with a historical explanation of the legend's origin, followed by a dramatic depiction of what happened to one of the crowns. The story then shifts to the 1980s, where we meet John Knightley, a retired detective struggling with mental health issues. He's hired to investigate the disappearances of two men and must unravel a web of deceit, greed, and fear as supernatural elements threaten to consume him.
The Presence of Snowgood
In a small town, a private investigator uncovers a dark secret surrounding a legendary crown, where the locals are unwittingly drawn to its power, unaware of the terrifying consequences that come with its true nature.