Daffy Duck finds himself in a bizarre situation when he's mistaken for the main act at a nightclub filled with classic movie monsters. Despite initial fears, he wins them over with his singing, thanks to a bottle of "Eau de Tormé" in his dressing room. However, his good-natured teasing of "Smogzilla" doesn't go down well, and he becomes the monster's unexpected snack. Waking up in a wastebasket with the comic book he was searching for, Daffy is left to scoff at the absurdity of it all, only to be startled when the comic's cover comes to life, asking if he was expecting someone else.
The Night of the Living Duck
Daffy, a fan of horror comic books, has a vivid dream in which he becomes the main attraction at a spooky nightclub, entertaining a cast of creepy creatures with his singing talents.