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The Last Act

In this hilarious Farsi comedy, Kamran and Moluk, two financially strapped siblings, reside in their family's lavish Tehran mansion, scrambling to make ends meet by selling off the furniture. Their lives take a dramatic turn when their deceased brother's widow, Forugh, arrives on the sc...

"Gaslight" as Farsi farce. Kamran and Moluk, middle-aged siblings, live penniless in the family's Tehran mansion, selling furniture to pay expenses. Their brother, who owns the house, has died suddenly, and his widow, Forugh, is coming from the provinces to visit. Kamran writes an elaborate script and hires a troupe of five actors to be the household servants. The purpose of the charade, which will seem real to Forugh, is to drive her mad, perhaps to suicide, so that Kamran and Moluk can inherit the house. The play is elaborate, Forugh is fooled and terrified, and the police can't substantiate her wild claims. She appears insane to them. All is headed for the mysterious last act. Written by

Info about The Last Act

Studio(s): Kadr Film

Originally Released: United States, Jan 01, 1991

Production Country: Iran

Genres:Crime, Drama, Mystery, Thriller