A story unfolds across two parallel time planes. In 1978, a zootechnician named Edward Srodon makes an unexpected stopover at a farmhouse in the Bieszczady Mountains, where he forms an unlikely bond with his hosts. As the night wears on, a plan for a joint business venture emerges, accompanied by passion and lust, ultimately leading to a tragic outcome. Meanwhile, in the midst of Martial Law in Poland, a police investigation unfolds as Lieutenant Mroz attempts to solve a four-year-old multiple murder case, relying on the chief suspect, Srodon, to reconstruct the events surrounding the crime.
The Dark House
A mystery unfolds across two intertwined timelines. On a fateful autumn night in 1978, Edward Srodon, a zootechnician, makes an unexpected detour to the rural farmhouse of the Dziabas family, setting off a chain of events that will span decades.