In the legendary kingdom of Camelot, King Arthur rules alongside his Knights of the Round Table, while a young squire named Valiant secretly pines for Princess Ilene. When the princess is sent away to marry Prince Arn, Valiant disguises himself as Sir Gawain to accompany her. Meanwhile, the evil sorceress Morgan le Fey plots to steal King Arthur's powerful sword, Excalibur, and her plan is set in motion when Thagnar, Sligon's brother, steals the sword. As chaos erupts, Valiant faces his own challenges, including kidnappers and a duel with Prince Arn, before discovering his true heritage as Prince Valiant, rightful heir to the kingdom of Thule.
Prince Valiant
In the forgotten past, King Arthur reigns supreme in the mythical Camelot, where his gallant Knights of the Round Table embark on thrilling adventures and engage in tournaments, entertaining the masses.