In 1946, a young boy named Kid escapes from the cruel landholder Capataz in rural Andalucía, Spain. With a compass and limited supplies, Kid sets out to cross the desert wasteland and reach the city to exact revenge on Capataz and free his family. However, he soon loses his compass and water bottle and is pursued by Capataz and his henchmen. Along the way, Kid meets a homeless shepherd named Pastor, who helps him evade capture and agrees to take him to the city. As they journey together, Kid learns that Pastor is a veteran of the Morocco War and Spanish Civil War, and that he is seeking redemption. Despite being tortured and losing part of his livestock, Pastor continues to protect Kid, and together they face off against Capataz's henchmen, leading to a violent confrontation.
Out in the Open
A young child embarks on a perilous journey through poverty-stricken Spain, seeking escape from the crushing grip of tyranny and oppression.