In this Icelandic drama, a complex web of love and obsession unfolds as a community prepares for the annual autumn round-up of horses. A man's love for his prized mare is rivaled by her own passion for a stallion, while a horse obsessed with its master finds itself torn between love and freedom. Meanwhile, a Russian trawler's mate and a farmer with a passion for ancient horse roads find themselves entangled in a series of unfortunate events. As the story reaches its climax, a injured old man lies on the heath, and a spiritual seeker seeks answers in the highlands. The film's ensemble cast and intricate plot weave together themes of love, nature, and the human condition, ultimately culminating in a thrilling autumn round-up.
Of Horses and Men
A poignant romance that explores the deep connection between humans and horses, blurring the lines between species and revealing the profound impact of love and loss on the lives of those in a rural community.