"Not knowing" focuses on the life of a family that is not satisfied with their lives. Selma and Sinan are a couple who now find it difficult to endure each other. Umut, the son of the house, is after to prove himself. At the end of high school, rumors start circulating about Umut, who is homosexual. While Selma and Sinan are trying to cope with their tiring marriage, Umut suddenly disappears when the rumors go away and his head disappears. While Selma and Sinan are looking for their son, he realizes that they have actually lost themselves.
Not Knowing
In a family struggling to find contentment, young water polo player Umut faces personal and familial challenges. His parents, Selma and Sinan, are barely holding on to their relationship, and Umut feels the need to prove himself. However, when rumors begin to spread that he is gay, his life becom...