Mommy Is Coming background

Mommy Is Coming

Pioneer filmmaker Cheryl Dunye brings a sassy and raunchy romantic sex comedy to the screen, set in Berlin's edgy underground where love and taboo affairs converge. The story follows Dylan, a cute and powerful femme, and Claudia, a studly hotel clerk, as their lives become entwined in a pass...

Pioneer filmmaker Cheryl Dunye returns with a sassy, raunchy, romantic sex comedy set in the edgy underground of Berlin where love and taboo affairs collide! Cute power femme Dylan (Lil Harlow) and studly hotel clerk Claudia (the sexy Papi Coxxx) are suffering from monogamous relationship blues. Hellbent to Claudia sets out on a gender-bending roller coaster-now as Claude-through a subversive Berlin sex club while her lover has threesomes with her best friend Teo (played by the incomparable Jiz Lee.) Everything comes to a climax when Dylan's mother (world-renown sex educator Maggie Tapert) arrives in town hellbent on releasing some tension. Fun, provocative and interwoven with personal interviews, Mommy Is Coming is filled with sheer delight - in more ways than one!

Info about Mommy Is Coming

Studio(s): Jürgen Brüning Filmproduktion

Originally Released: United States, Mar 08, 2012

Genres:Comedy, Romance