A young woman named Misty enters a small town's local bar on a stormy night, seeking refuge and searching for her mother who abandoned her 22 years ago. She takes up residence with a local bisexual artist and her boyfriend, in exchange for modeling for the artist. As Misty settles into her new surroundings, she begins to enjoy the town's laid-back atmosphere and has numerous sexual encounters with the locals, including the artist, who seems to care about her deeply. Meanwhile, tensions rise as the boyfriend's temper gets the better of him, leading to a disturbing turn of events. In a separate storyline, a local woman finds herself unfulfilled in an affair with a married man and turns to her best friend for a night of self-pity and drinking. Her friend proposes they try having sex with each other, and the woman is open to the idea, potentially marking the beginning of a new lesbian relationship.
A young woman named Misty returns to a small town after 22 years to search for her mother who abandoned her. She takes up residence with a free-spirited artist and her friends, who also happen to be models.