A story of war between evil and truth, Kurukshetra follows the journey of an honest and brave police officer, DSP Prithvi Raj Singh, as he battles against corrupt politicians and criminals. When he joins duty in Mumbai, he destroys the illegal businesses of Iqbal Pasina, earning his respect. Meanwhile, Prithvi Raj's personal life is complicated, with his wife Anjali struggling to connect with the man behind the uniform. The story takes a dark turn when a brutal rape incident sparks a battle between the corrupt Chief Minister, Babu Rao Deshmukh, and DSP Prithvi Raj Singh, who receives support from opposition leaders and their families. The outcome of this epic struggle between crime and justice remains to be seen.
A high-ranking official's son is arrested by ACP Prithviraj for harassing a woman, prompting the father to unleash a campaign of vengeance against the honest cop.