Immortally Yours background

Immortally Yours

In the heart of the American Midwest, a group of modern-day vampires, driven by their insatiable thirst for blood, wreak havoc on the region. However, their lust for life is put to the test as a romantic twist sets them at odds with one another and with the ruthless Illuminati, who seek to exploi...

In the quiet town of Hamilton, Ohio, a sinister presence lurks in the shadows as a group of vampires begins to prey on its unsuspecting residents. As the town descends into chaos, a mysterious organization seeks to uncover the vampires' secrets to immortality, but the vampires continue to wreak havoc, leaving the local authorities baffled. However, one unexpected hero emerges with the power to put an end to the vampires' reign of terror - a member of the very coven they seek to destroy.

Info about Immortally Yours

Studio(s): Immortally Yours, Hollywood Motion Picture Consortium

Originally Released: United States, Jan 06, 2009

Production Country: United States

Budget: $1,300,000.00

Genres:Horror, Romance