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Heavenly Touch

Discover the gripping story of nursing school student Joash Balejado as he exposes a criminal organization at the gay spa where he works. Follow along as Rodel, portrayed by Paolo Serrano, navigates the treacherous world of this illicit syndicate while working at a massage parlor to make a living...

A nursing school student named Joash Balejado uncovers a shocking secret about the gay spa where he works part-time - it is actually controlled by a dangerous crime syndicate. When Joash's friend Rodel helps his crush Jonard get a job at the massage parlor, they team up to reveal the illegal activities happening behind closed doors. Together, they devise a plan to expose the spa for its involvement in drugs, prostitution, and other illicit activities.

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Info about Heavenly Touch

Studio(s): DMV Entertainment

Originally Released: United States, May 12, 2009

Production Country: Philippines

Genres:Drama, Romance