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Christmas in Wonderland

In this heartwarming film, a family of four relocates from Los Angeles to Edmonton, where they stumble upon a thrilling adventure at the iconic West Edmonton Mall. While shopping, they inadvertently get caught up in a scheme involving counterfeit cash and help the authorities apprehend the culpri...

The Saunders family is having a dismal Christmas, struggling to adjust to their new life in Edmonton, Alberta. With no friends, little money, and no festive spirit, things take a turn for the worse when their mother gets stuck in Los Angeles due to airline overbookings. The Christmas shopping duties fall on their father, Wayne, and the gloomy kids. However, things start to look up when the kids find a bag of money at the mall and embark on a Christmas shopping spree, but their joy is short-lived as the counterfeiters who made the money chase them through the crowded mall.

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Info about Christmas in Wonderland

Studio(s): Insight Film Studios, Redwood Palms Pictures

Originally Released: United States, Dec 27, 2007

Production Country: Canada

Genres:Comedy, Crime, Family, Mystery, Thriller