In "Armageddon," a catastrophic meteor shower destroys the Space Shuttle Atlantis and devastates parts of the world. NASA discovers that a Texas-sized asteroid is on a collision course with Earth, threatening global extinction in 18 days. To prevent this disaster, NASA recruits Harry Stamper (Bruce Willis),the world's best deep-sea oil driller, and his team to plant a nuclear bomb deep within the asteroid. After rigorous training and harrowing challenges in space, Harry and his crew face numerous obstacles, including a crash landing and deadly rock storms. Ultimately, Harry sacrifices himself to ensure the bomb detonates, splitting the asteroid and saving Earth. The film concludes with the surviving crew returning as heroes, honoring their fallen comrades.
After discovering that an asteroid the size of Texas will impact Earth in less than a month, NASA recruits a misfit team of deep-core drillers to save the planet.