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The film follows the story of Louk, a complex and profound individual, and Manja, a symbol of innocence and purity. Their relationship is built on a foundation of unwavering trust, honesty, and a desire to leave no secrets or hidden agendas behind.

MANJA (17) lives in a high-rise development on the outskirts of the city. As she rushes in the arms of rebel LOUK (17) who is on the run from hunters in the woods, this is the beginning of a first love. No lies, no traces, no fear - this is Louk's credo. And Manja follows her in quiet surrender. But when Manja realizes that Louk's idealism hides a deep wound left by the loss of her mother, she helps her to say goodbye to the past - and learns to let go herself. AIR is a cinematic poem on the freedom of love and the purity of the heart.

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Info about Air

Studio(s): WirFilm, BR

Originally Released: United States, Jul 24, 2018

Production Country: Germany

Genres:Drama, Music, Romance