In the charming comedy, a small mountain town in Spain called Fuentejuela de Arriba faces a population crisis, with only 16 elderly residents. The mayor warns that if the population drops below 15, the town will be annexed by its rival, Fuentejuela de Abajo. The town's mayor's wife, Teresa, finds an unlikely solution by recruiting four African refugees, Azquil, Shukra, Latisha, and Calulu, who were cheated into working as exotic dancers. Despite initial mistrust from the villagers, Teresa and her friends Jaime and Guiri work to integrate the Africans into the community, causing romantic entanglements and conflicts to arise. The situation escalates when the rival town's mayor, Campello, visits for a local festival, leading to unpredictable consequences for all.
A Remarkable Tale
The residents of a precarious town on the cusp of a mysterious phenomenon take drastic measures to prevent its arrival.