A feature-length documentary, "5...6...7...8", captures the emotions and excitement of a year in the life of Nova Jazz, an elite girls dance company, as they perform at various events and rehearse extensively under the direction of Jennifer Dell, a married mother of two. The film showcases the company's journey, from registration to the year-end concert, highlighting the challenges and triumphs of the 41 girls, aged 10 to 18, as they navigate leadership, infighting, and performances at iconic locations.
5... 6... 7... 8
For one year, a group of 41 talented dancers, performing 10 energetic shows, underwent rigorous rehearsals - a total of 104 sessions - and transformed into a dazzling spectacle with 473 carefully crafted costumes. Their journey spanned an impressive 2,197 miles, culminating in an unforgettable ex...