The CBI film series Collection
The CBI film series is a series of four Malayalam films directed by K. Madhu and written by S. N. Swami featuring Mammootty as Sethurama Iyer, a Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) officer. The series started off in 1988 with the block buster Oru CBI Diary Kurippu. The films depicts a team of CBI officers led by Sethurama Iyer investigating into a murder case.
Watch Oru CBI Diary Kurippu
A local businessman's daughter-in-law, Omana, is found dead, initially believed to be a suicide, but investigator Prabhakara Varma is convinced that something more sinister is at play.
Watch Nerariyan CBI
A CBI officer, Sethurama Iyer, sets out to uncover the truth behind the murder of a girl named Mythili, which took place in a notorious haunted mansion years ago.
Watch CBI 5
A wave of murders plagues the city, leaving the police baffled. Enter a team of skilled CBI Officers, led by the seasoned CBI officer Sethurama Iyer, who take on the challenge to crack the case and uncover the truth.