Si Doel the Movie is an Indonesian family drama film released in 2018. Its sequels were released in 2019 & 2020. This film is a continuation of the 1990s soap opera Si Doel Anak Sekolahan and was directed by the main character of Doel, H. Rano Karno. This film is a continuation of the love story of Doel chasing Sarah, who had been his wife, to the Netherlands.
Si Doel: The Movie

NR1h 25m6.8

Watch Si Doel: The Movie

A man embarks on a journey to the Netherlands to reconnect with a woman who abandoned him 14 years prior, marking the beginning of a new chapter in his life.

Si Doel the Movie 2

NR1h 35m6.8

Watch Si Doel the Movie 2

Zaenab is torn between defending her marriage to Doel and letting him go after discovering he met with his ex-lover and child, prompting her to search for answers to determine her fate.

Si Doel the Movie 3

NR1h 32m6.6

Watch Si Doel the Movie 3

Sarah returns to Jakarta with her son, Dul, and is warmly welcomed by her family, the Doels. However, this reunion sparks a crucial decision for Sarah, Doel, and Zaenab.

Si Doel The Movie - background