Murder 101 is a series of four made-for-television mystery films aired on the Hallmark Channel between 2006 and 2008, starring Dick Van Dyke as Professor Jonathan Maxwell, Barry Van Dyke as Mike Bryant, a former cop and now a private detective, and Shane Van Dyke as Shane Manners, Mike Bryant's nephew.
Murder 101

NR1h 30m6.2

Watch Murder 101

A high-stakes corporate executive is brutally murdered in his opulent mansion, and the spotlight falls on a beautiful investigative reporter who was secretly investigating a major scandal and had a close connection to the victim.

Murder 101

NR1h 23m6.5

Watch Murder 101

Criminology Professor Dr. Jonathan Maxwell, suspecting foul play, enlists his friend Mike Parker to unravel the truth behind Professor Archer Coe's sudden death, which he believes was not a natural heart attack.

Murder 101

PG1h 24m6.2

Watch Murder 101

Criminology professor Dick Van Dyke and private detective Barry Van Dyke join forces to solve the mystery of a stolen champion Thoroughbred.

Murder 101

TV-PG1h 23m6.2

Watch Murder 101

A renowned criminology professor delves into a mysterious murder at a spiritual retreat, where a leader is found dead in a locked room amidst a group of people in a trance-like state.

Murder 101 background