Muni is a series of Indian Tamil horror comedy film created and directed by Raghava Lawrence who also appeared in lead roles in all the films. The first film is Muni (2007) and the second is Muni 2: Kanchana (2011) with the third installment of the franchise titled Kanchana 2 (2015).
Kanchana: Muni 2

NR2h 50m6.6

Watch Kanchana: Muni 2

As an evil spirit takes hold of Raghava, chaos erupts.

Kanchana 2

NR2h 48m5.5

Watch Kanchana 2

Two vengeful spirits relentlessly torment an unsuspecting individual and those around him, driven by a quest for justice for their own brutal murders.

Kanchana 3

NR2h 54m4.2

Watch Kanchana 3

A timid individual becomes the unwitting vessel for a vengeful spirit, forcing him to confront his deepest fears.

Muni background