Friday is a 1995 stoner comedy-drama-buddy film directed by F. Gary Gray, making it his directorial debut for a hit movie. Starring Ice Cube, Chris Tucker, Nia Long, Bernie Mac, Tommy Lister, Jr., and John Witherspoon, the film revolves around 16 hours in the lives of unemployed slackers Craig Jones and Smokey, who must pay a drug dealer $200 by 10:00 PM that night. The film spawned two sequels: Next Friday and Friday After Next, and a proposed fourth film, Last Friday.
Watch Friday
It's Friday, and Craig and Smokey must come up with $200 they owe a local bully or there won't be a Saturday.
Watch Next Friday
A streetwise man flees South Central Los Angeles, heading to the suburbs and his lottery-winner uncle and cousin, to avoid a neighborhood thug with a grudge who has just escaped from prison.
Watch Friday After Next
Working as security guards, Craig and Day-Day run into the thief who stole their Christmas presents.