Yuuki Takada is a renowned Japanese voice actress born on March 16, 1993, in Kitakyushu, a city located in the Fukuoka prefecture. She is currently affiliated with the esteemed talent agency, Mausu Promotion. Takada's journey in the voice acting world began after she graduated from the prestigious Yoyogi Animation School in Fukuoka. In 2015, she joined Mausu Production, marking the start of her illustrious career.
Throughout her tenure, Takada has gained recognition for her impressive performances in various anime series. One of her most notable roles is that of Rin Kurosawa in Aikatsu!, a popular franchise. Additionally, she has also voiced Aoba Suzukaze in the 2016 anime television series New Game!, which featured an all-star cast. In this series, Takada showcased her vocal talents by performing the opening and ending themes alongside fellow voice actresses Megumi Yamaguchi, Ayumi Takeo, and Megumi Toda. Under the group name Fourfolium, the quartet created a memorable soundtrack that resonated with fans worldwide.