Tohoru's life began in Madison, Wisconsin, a city situated in the heart of the American Midwest. However, his formative years were spent in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, a vibrant city nestled in the western provinces of Canada. His parents, who had previously emigrated from Japan, had a profound impact on his life, as they instilled in him a strong sense of cultural heritage. In fact, his ancestors boasted a notable figure in Japanese literature, the renowned novelist and playwright Hakucho Masamune. This rich cultural background would later influence Tohoru's creative pursuits.
As a young boy, Tohoru discovered his passion for the performing arts. In the fourth grade, he wrote and performed in his first play, an experience that would lay the foundation for his future endeavors. Although he doesn't recall every detail of the production, he does remember it being a resounding success at his elementary school. This early exposure to the world of theater would shape his artistic identity and inspire him to pursue his creative ambitions.
As his family grew and expanded, they eventually settled in Newton, a charming suburb of Boston, Massachusetts, and later in Noank, a picturesque coastal town in Connecticut. These formative years would provide Tohoru with a unique blend of Midwestern, Canadian, and New England influences, which would later inform his work and artistic vision.