Tim Hunter is a renowned American television and film director, born on June 15, 1947, in the vibrant city of Los Angeles, California. Throughout his illustrious career, he has primarily focused on television directing, with an impressive repertoire of episodes for numerous television series. These shows include the critically acclaimed Breaking Bad, the mystical Carnivàle, the medical drama Chicago Hope, the crime drama Crossing Jordan, the gritty Deadwood, the primetime soap opera Falcon Crest, the gritty police procedural Homicide: Life on the Street, the medical drama House M.D., the crime drama Law & Order, the psychological thriller Lie to Me, the period drama Mad Men, and the surreal Twin Peaks.
Prior to his television work, Hunter had a stint in feature filmmaking during the early-to-mid 1980s. His most notable film during this period is the 1986 drama River's Edge, which garnered the prestigious award for best picture at the Independent Spirit Awards that year.