Tim, a seasoned documentary film director, has made a name for himself by premiering his documentaries on esteemed platforms such as The Atlantic and having his films selected for Oscar-qualifying festivals. His impressive portfolio also includes directing campaign launch films for notable political figures, including Senator Mark Kelly and Congressman Ritchie Torres.
With a deep passion for crafting heartfelt and honest stories that resonate with audiences, Tim's documentary filmmaking skills have been honed through his extensive experience. His first feature-length documentary, "Kenyatta: Do Not Wait Your Turn," had its world premiere at the prestigious BFI Flare in London in March 2023, followed by a U.S. premiere at the iconic TCL Chinese 6 Theaters in Los Angeles just a few weeks later. The film is currently continuing its festival run.
In addition to his feature-length documentary, Tim has also directed several short documentaries, including "Going Forward" (2018),which premiered on The Atlantic, and "Mr. Y Not" (2020),which made a notable festival run.