Steven Woodcock, a renowned English actor, was born on February 23rd, 1964. He is best recognized for his captivating portrayal of Clyde Tavernier in the esteemed BBC soap opera EastEnders, a role he skillfully executed from July 1990 to July 1993.
Woodcock's impressive television credits also include notable appearances in Grange Hill from 1983 to 1984, The Lenny Henry Show in 1985, Casualty in 1987, London's Burning, Rockliffe's Babies, and Only Fools and Horses.
In addition to his acting career, Woodcock has also explored his passion for writing, with one of his plays, Jah-Jah Reached The Top, receiving a performance at London's prestigious Royal Court Theatre.
As a talented musician, Woodcock has composed an impressive 500 songs and is a skilled guitarist and bassist, playing professionally.
Interestingly, Woodcock was also an avid boxer in his younger years, a skill he drew upon when his EastEnders character, Clyde Tavernier, took up the sport on-screen in 1991.
Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.