Sippy Gill is a renowned Punjabi singer and actor, hailing from the quaint village of Rauli, nestled in the heart of Moga, Punjab, India. He has had the privilege of honing his music skills under the guidance of the illustrious Surinder Dhir, a renowned music mentor from Moga, Punjab.
With a passion for music that has been burning bright for over 15 years, Sippy Gill has been relentlessly working towards perfecting his craft. His dedication and perseverance have finally paid off, as he has emerged as a prominent figure in the Punjabi music industry.
Sippy Gill's rise to fame can be attributed to his numerous chart-topping songs, including the likes of Rumaal, Chardi Kala, Nach-Nach, Zindabad Ashiqui, and many more. His first album, Jumka, marked the beginning of his musical journey, which was followed by his sophomore effort, Bachelor, released in 2008. This album resonated deeply with the youth of Punjab, cementing Sippy Gill's status as a rising star in the Punjabi music scene.
In 2013, Sippy Gill released his fifth album, Dus Mint, which turned out to be a resounding success, catapulting him to new heights of fame. This megahit album not only solidified his position as a leading figure in Punjabi music but also endeared him to a vast and diverse audience.