A renowned Egyptian screenwriter, hailing from the vibrant city of Ismailia, embarked on a journey of self-discovery, first pursuing a degree in the Faculty of Commerce before redirecting her path to the world of fine arts, where she delved into the realms of jewelry design, creative writing, and scriptwriting in Cairo.
Following her academic pursuits, she ventured into the field of jewelry design, dedicating four years to crafting exquisite pieces in silver and gold, honing her skills and developing a keen eye for detail.
Though her early foray into screenwriting was marked by a cancelled project co-written with her brother, director and writer Mohamed Diab, a fictitious revolution set against the backdrop of Egypt's rich history, this setback only served as a catalyst for her future success.
Notably, her impressive body of work includes the critically acclaimed program The Devil's Steps S1 & S2, as well as the thought-provoking film The Island 2, solidifying her position as a prominent figure in the Egyptian film industry.