Rafael Santiago Casal, a multifaceted American creative force, emerged onto the scene in 1985, hailing from the culturally rich Bay Area. His artistic journey began with a notable television debut, gracing the screens of HBO's Def Poetry for three seasons, showcasing his remarkable performance skills.
As a digital trailblazer, Rafael has garnered a massive following online, with his original music, poetry, web shorts, and incisive political commentary amassing millions of views on YouTube and Facebook. This prolific output has not only cemented his status as a leading voice in the digital realm but also served as a springboard for his live performances.
Rafael's theater-in-verse work has taken him on a global journey, traversing the United States and the world, as he brings his unique brand of activism and artistic expression to hundreds of colleges and venues. This tireless creative has not only left an indelible mark on the world of performance but has also inspired countless individuals through his powerful message.
As the Co-Founder and Artistic Director of the BARS workshop at The Public Theater in New York, Rafael continues to push the boundaries of artistic expression, fostering a new generation of creative voices and further solidifying his position as a visionary in the world of arts and activism.