Oliver Lee Garland, a multifaceted individual, took his first breath in the vibrant city of Montevideo, Uruguay. With a diverse range of interests, he delved into the realms of acting, communication, and architecture, laying the foundation for a future replete with creative possibilities.
As his career progressed, Garland's talents in the advertising world began to shine, earning him widespread recognition as a prominent director in South America. His expertise in crafting comedic masterpieces, coupled with his ability to coax exceptional performances from renowned football players, solidified his reputation as a master of his craft.
In 2015, Garland's exceptional work was rewarded with the prestigious Best Uruguayan Director award at the Ojo de Iberoamérica Festival, a testament to his dedication and skill.
Fast forward to 2018, Garland made his debut in the documentary feature film genre with "From Core to Sun", a cinematic masterpiece that showcased his versatility and artistic range.