Nick Dragon's cinematic journey began in the sprawling metropolis of Los Angeles, a city that was once a vast expanse of tar pits and free-spirited hippies, where the scent of patchouli and the sounds of protest music filled the air.
As a multifaceted creative force, Nick Dragon wears many hats, effortlessly traversing the realms of writing, directing, shooting, and editing narrative film with a keen eye for detail and a passion that knows no bounds.
Through his work, Nick Dragon has gained a profound understanding of the darker aspects of human nature, that which lurks in the shadows of the human heart, waiting to pounce and wreak havoc upon the world.
Yet, despite his intense focus on the darker corners of the human experience, Nick Dragon is not without his softer side, and he has been known to indulge in a slice (or three) of his favorite pie, a sweet and savory treat that brings him joy and solace in the midst of the chaos and darkness that often surrounds him.