Meiko Satomura is a renowned Japanese professional wrestler who co-founded the esteemed Sendai Girls' Pro Wrestling organization. Her remarkable journey in the world of professional wrestling began on April 15, 1995, when she made her debut for the all-female promotion Gaea Japan, emerging victorious against Sonoko Kato.
Throughout her illustrious career, Satomura has achieved numerous accolades, including winning the AAAW Tag Team Championship on three occasions, twice partnering with Ayako Hamada and once with Chikayo Nagashima. Her impressive resume also boasts two AAAW Singles Championship titles, with her second reign concluding at the hands of the formidable Aja Kong on April 3, 2005.
Gaea Japan, the promotion where Satomura honed her skills, ultimately ceased operations a week later on April 10, 2005, following a farewell show that featured Satomura's main event victory over her trainer, the accomplished Chigusa Nagayo.
In recent years, Satomura has continued to make waves in the professional wrestling world, most notably by participating in the second Mae Young Classic tournament, a prestigious event hosted by WWE. In the tournament, she triumphed over Killer Kelly, Mercedes Martinez, and Lacey Lane before ultimately falling short in the semifinals to the talented Toni Storm.