Matt Hullum, a renowned independent filmmaker, hails from Austin, Texas, where he has made a significant mark in the world of entertainment. Alongside his business partner, Burnie Burns, he co-founded Rooster Teeth Productions, a pioneering company that has revolutionized the art of storytelling by utilizing engines from computer and video games to create captivating films. As a master of his craft, Matt is widely recognized for his exceptional animation skills, which have been showcased in the critically acclaimed machinima series, The Strangerhood. According to various news posts and forum discussions on the Rooster Teeth website, Matt is responsible for handling the majority, if not all, of the animation for this project. His impressive range of skills extends to voice acting as well, where he brings a unique dimension to his performances. Unlike other voice actors who rely solely on their natural voice, Matt is known for his ability to adopt various accents and inflections, making him a valuable asset to the Rooster Teeth team. As a result, he has become an integral part of many machinima projects, lending his talents to a wide range of characters and storylines.
Matt Hullum
50 · Born: Sep 29, 1974