Matsumoto Kiyo, a talented Japanese actress, made her debut in the cinematic world in 2014, captivating audiences with her appearance in the movie "Fatal Frame". This marked the beginning of her illustrious career, which would soon unfold with a string of impressive performances. In 2015, she lent her talents to the music video for the Official HIGE DANdism song "I Love You…", showcasing her versatility as a performer.
As she continued to hone her craft, Matsumoto Kiyo transitioned into drama acting in 2017, starring in the thrilling series "Code: M". This pivotal role solidified her position as a rising star in the Japanese entertainment industry.
In recent years, Matsumoto Kiyo has continued to impress audiences with her dynamic performances. In 2019, she appeared in the movie "Chiwawa", further demonstrating her range as a dramatic actress. Additionally, she starred in the drama series "In Time With You", captivating viewers with her nuanced portrayal of complex characters.