Masaya Takatsuka, a renowned Japanese voice actor and narrator, was born on August 15, 1969, in Kakogawa, Hyogo Prefecture. He is currently affiliated with the esteemed Aoni Production, a prominent talent agency in the Japanese entertainment industry.
Takatsuka's journey in the world of voice acting began when he graduated from the 12th class of Aoni Juku Osaka School, a prestigious institution that has produced many talented voice actors and actresses.
One of Takatsuka's notable characteristics is his ability to speak the Kansai dialect, a unique and distinct regional accent in Japan that is commonly associated with the Osaka and Kyoto regions.
In his free time, Takatsuka enjoys participating in various outdoor activities, including skiing and snowboarding. These hobbies not only provide him with a sense of adventure but also serve as a means to unwind and relax.
On March 4, 2012, Takatsuka tied the knot with fellow voice actress Keiko Nemoto, solidifying their romantic bond and starting a new chapter in their lives together.