Marina Suma

Marina Suma

65 · Born: Nov 14, 1959

Known For

Personal Details

BornNov 14, 1959 Napoli - Campania - Italy


Marina Suma, a talented and accomplished actress, first took her first breath on November 14, 1959, in the vibrant city of Naples, located in the picturesque region of Campania, Italy. Throughout her illustrious career, she has made a lasting impression on the world of cinema, leaving an indelible mark on the hearts of audiences everywhere.

Her impressive repertoire of films includes the critically acclaimed "Le occasioni di Rosa" (1981),the charming "Sapore di mare" (1983),and the thought-provoking "Dark Bar" (1988),as documented by the esteemed online database, IMdb.


{"id":161052,"title":"Sicilian Connection","year":"1987","character":"","permalink":"https:\/\/\/us\/movie\/sicilian-connection","type":"movie","srcset":{"1x":"https:\/\/\/img\/90x135\/thumbs\/movie_161052.jpg","2x":"https:\/\/\/img\/180x270\/thumbs\/movie_161052.jpg"},"released":1}
{"id":226537,"title":"Sing Sing","year":"1983","character":"Linda","permalink":"https:\/\/\/us\/movie\/sing-sing","type":"movie","srcset":{"1x":"https:\/\/\/img\/90x135\/thumbs\/movie_226537.jpg","2x":"https:\/\/\/img\/180x270\/thumbs\/movie_226537.jpg"},"released":1}
Sing Sing
Sing Sing as Linda