Marc Riley, a renowned DJ, has had a illustrious career spanning multiple decades. His journey began in 1978 as a roadie and bass player for the post-punk band The Fall, led by the enigmatic Mark E. Smith. Riley's musical talents soon extended to guitar and keyboards, but his tenure with The Fall was cut short in 1983 when he was unceremoniously sacked by Smith.
Undeterred, Riley went on to form his own band, The Creepers, which unfortunately disbanded in 1987. However, his next venture would prove to be his most enduring and iconic partnership. In the 1990s, Riley teamed up with Mark Radcliffe to create the beloved radio duo, Mark and Lard, on Radio 1. This dynamic duo helmed several shows, including the coveted breakfast slot and the afternoon program.
As Mark and Lard, they also co-founded the parody rock group The Shirehorses in the late 1990s. This side project allowed them to showcase their comedic chops and musical talents. In addition to their radio work, Mark and Lard presented several television shows, including the popular Pop Upstairs, Downstairs for UK TV Play and the sports-themed Match of the 90s for BBC1.
After a decade of entertaining audiences on Radio 1, Mark and Lard bid farewell to the airwaves in 2004. Although their partnership came to an end, Marc Riley's legacy as a talented musician and radio personality continues to endure.